Posts tagged Mobile Optimized

Whether or not you consider yourself tech savvy, you can’t escape it – we’re living in a technology driven world.

The amount of marketing tools that have not gone digital are few and far between, and if you aren’t keeping up with them for your business, chances are you’re really missing out. One place that you can start is with your website. There are so many programs that allow you to build websites with a responsive design and if that’s intimidating to you, there are plenty of companies out there (*cough cough* KaKe Marketing) that can help build a responsive website for you. What does a responsive design even mean? Well, to put it simply, a responsive design means that your website has the ability to adjust to devices of all sizes (such as your mobile phone) and better respond to user behavior. Here are 4 major reasons your website should have a responsive design.

  • Almost half of users base a business’s credibility on their website alone.

You heard me right, studies have shown that 48% of users consider a business’s website design to be the number one factor when deciding whether or not a business is dependable. That puts a lot of pressure solely on your website, and clearly demonstrates why it is so important to continue enhancing its design.

  • Mobile web browsing has overtaken desktop browsing for the first time (The Guardian)

According to studies over the past year, mobile web browsing has continued to grow steadily while desktop viewing has steadily decreased. Think about it - how often do you leave the house without your cell phone? People treat their phones as if they are an additional appendage. Whether you’re heading to the grocery store, sitting at your desk at work, or even sitting at home on the couch, the tendency to scroll through your phone is pretty common.

  • Google favors mobile-friendly websites for its mobile search results.

In 2015, Google began ranking sites within its search index by mobile accessibility. According to Google, the changes in ranking signal will have a significant impact in Google Search results. This is meant to ensure that users are getting relevant, high quality search results that are optimized for their devices.

  • Mobile optimization can help reduce your bounce rate

Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors to your website who navigate away after viewing only one page. If your site is not optimized for mobile, the text might be hard to read, or a user might have to scroll around to find what they’re looking for. Many users become bored or impatient when a site is too difficult to navigate on their mobile device, causing your bounce rate to increase.

So, if you want to learn more - contact us! We can help you and your business stand out from the others.